Pharmacy Department of UMM was established in 2006 under the licence from General Director of Higher Education, Department of Education of the Republic of Indonesia No: 1964/D/T/2006. The recommendation to open the Pharmacy program came from the Health Department of the RI on the Department of Health, Human Resource Development and Empowerment Agency No: HK., on May 15, 2006. As a new study program, Pharmacy Department of UMM was guided by the Pharmacy Faculty of Airlangga University Surabaya through the MoU No:100/Jo3.1.20/PP/2006 and E.S.c/359/BAA-UMM/V/2006. It is conducted in order to realize "Indonesia Sehat 2010" program. Besides, it is a form of attempt in anticipating the need of pharmacist. Today, Pharmacy Department of UMM has been accredited by the Higher Educ...
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