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                Pharmacy Department of UMM was established in 2006 under the licence from General Director of Higher Education, Department of Education of the Republic of Indonesia No: 1964/D/T/2006. The recommendation to open the Pharmacy program came from the Health Department of the RI on the Department of Health, Human Resource Development and Empowerment Agency No: HK., on May 15, 2006. As a new study program, Pharmacy Department of UMM was guided by the Pharmacy Faculty of Airlangga University Surabaya through the MoU No:100/Jo3.1.20/PP/2006 and E.S.c/359/BAA-UMM/V/2006. It is conducted in order to realize "Indonesia Sehat 2010" program. Besides, it is a form of attempt in anticipating the need of pharmacist. Today, Pharmacy Department of UMM has been accredited by the Higher Education National Accreditation Cuoncil No.028/BAN-PT/Ak-XII/S1/IX/2009. Furthermore, Pharmacy Department has been the member of Indonesian Pharmacy Higher Education Association (APTFI) since October 15, 2009.


Vision :
Being a leading Pharmacy Courses in higher education in the field of pharmacy berkeunggulan clinical community pharmacy based on the development of Science and Technology (Science and Technology) and the Islamic values global perspective.

Missions :
Academic education, research, and community service in the field of pharmaceutical quality.
Conducting educational management mandate to improve the academic atmosphere so as to develop the ability, skills and attitudes of lifelong learning.
Organizing academic coaching in Islamic life so as to beruswah hasanah pharmacy context.
Organizing cooperation to promote the development of science and technology and institutional pharmacy with various parties.

Purposes :
To produce graduates who have the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors and Islamic science, and have excelled in the field of community-based clinical pharmacy.
Produce graduates who have relevant competence in their field and have a better chance to compete for a job in the labor market, both nationally and globally.
Generate innovative research that reflects the analytical and critical thinking to solve problems pharmacy.
Generate servants to the people who have the ability as a pharmacist is responsive to solve the problems faced by the community and improve quality of life.

source :


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